
Foundational Framework

When I started writing this document at the beginning of 2020, my intentions were simple. I aimed to provide a brief overview of Ordiant. I also wanted to describe who we are as a firm, and how we work with clients. Finally, I sought to define my vision. But something didn’t feel quite right. After about seven and a half years in this business, I felt obligated to share more. I continued sketching out my thoughts on a wide range of value creation and corporate transformation topics and more technical knowledge that's been crucial during my work with clients. I’ve compiled those ideas in Ordiant’s “Foundational Framework”.

This tome is not manual or guide. It’s not a textbook or a whitepaper. Rather, it represents a framework that’s still in the process of being formed by a practitioner

This is the “First Edition” of Ordiant’s Foundational Framework. It’s very much a work in progress. We have many more topics to cover, and I aim to considerably add to each section in the years to come.

If this framework enhances anyone’s understanding of corporate finance and strategy in the context of the private middle market, or even all markets for that matter, then the effort will have well been worth it.

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